Performance /akirasrebirth
Zagreb / 02.10.18 / 21:00
Talk /Axoloti: the portable vector machine
Ljubljana / 06.10.18 / 17:00
Axoloti is a standalone portable microcontroller board programmable with a patcher environment similar to a modular audio synth. Axoloti is intended mainly as a diy musical instrument. Roland Lioni will give a short introduction how to use Axoloti in conjunction with a xyz display to make oscillographics and 3d vector shapes and will show some patches he uses for his live performances.
About / Roland Lioni
Roland Lioni aka akirasrebirth is a video artist based in Bolzano, Italy. He works with analog video synthesis, focusing on vector synthesis and glitch art. He’s also highly active in the DIY scene, organising audio and video bending workshops. Roland is a founding member of the 4-man band Vector Decay and of the DIY-electronics collective Secret Media Lab. He worked with the duo kvsu to create two audio-visual performances for the festival transart (sen xor and acousmatic strings) and performed live with many bands.