Keynote / Oscilloscope Imagery in Early 1950s Experimental Film
Ljubljana / 06.10.18 / 20:00
This talk explores films from the early 1950s that merged electronic images with cinematic procedures, such as animation and montage. This combination of cinematography and oscillographics marks a shift from the mechanical-kinetic to the analog-electronic paradigm. With concrete examples, the role of sound, space, and abstraction will be examined.
About / Stefanie Bräuer
Stefanie Bräuer (*1986) is an art historian who works at the intersection of art history, media studies, film history and the history of science. Currently, she pursues a doctoral thesis at the Institute for Media Studies within the University of Basel. Her dissertation explores the implementation of oscilloscopic imagery in early 1950s experimental film. Parallel to her research, she taught courses on the history of audiovisuality as well as on the theory and culture of digital media at universities throughout Switzerland and Germany.