Talk: Analog chaos
Rijeka / Deltalab / 04.10.20 / 15,00
Bernd Ulmann studied mathematics (major) and philosophy (minor) at the University Mainz. He wrote his dissertation in Hamburg on the history and technology of analog computers. Currently he is a professor for business informatics at the FOM University of Applied Sciences for Economics and Management in Frankfurt/Main. His main interest is analog and hybrid computing. He runs the analog computer museum ( which features a large collection of (mostly restored) historic analog computers ranging from small table-top machines such as EAI TR-10 or Telefunken RA700 to large systems like EAI 680 or EAI Pacer. He authored several books on the history of analog computers as well as programming analog and hybrid computers. He likes implementing chaotic attractors on analog computers to generate pictures of intriguing beauty.