Screening: Signal Culture Series
Rijeka / Exportdrvo / 02.10.20 / 21:00
Talk: Modulating Material
Rijeka / Deltalab / 04.10.20 / 15,00
Paloma Kop is an electronic media artist. She uses video feedback, electronic hardware, hybrid media processes, and code to produce ambient, abstract audio-visual compositions, installations, and performances. She explores and deconstructs the boundaries between material space(time) and electronic space(time), and is interested in the universalities between perception, natural and biological phenomena, morphogenesis, computing, chaos theory, recursion, iteration, and emergence.
Paloma received her BFA in Visual Arts and Computer Science from Purchase College in 2014, and her MFA in Electronic Integrated Arts at Alfred University in 2020. She has shown work internationally at venues such as Spectacle Theater (Brooklyn), Monk Space (Los Angeles), VIVO Media Arts Centre (Vancouver), Arebyte Gallery (London), and Kirchner Cultural Centre (Argentina), and events such as Ibrida*Pluri Festival (Montreal), Synesthesia Festival (Portland), and Flat Earth Film Festival (Iceland).