In 2014 Andrew Duff AKA allthesixes666 collated and shared sacred information on how to modify a 1982 MB Vectrex games console to add three audio inputs from a modular synthesizer – enabling the drawing of audio-based vector oscillographics on its screen. As a consequence console collectors worldwide have waged a battle across many online marketplaces in an attempt to out-price and thus end the encroachment on their territory. Mr Duff has a chequered past of dismantling old televisions, playing and selling records, buying analog synths, teaching graphic design and digital media, running the Brighton Modular Meet (RIP), hoarding oscilloscopes and making illegal and very vivid & psychedelic colours and patterns on his video synthesizer.
This performance piece explores, manipulates and combines audio/visual abstractions created through the interplay of a small eurorack system – its boundaries and limitations – and the user/performer’s interactions and aesthetic choices. The key method used is in this work is the direct manipulation of the purely audio-based modular synthesizer, which could be thought of as an analog computer in the spirit of Ben Laposky’s pioneering work from the 1950s. The various shapes and forms generated follow a narrative loosely based on the 1957 science fiction novel The Black Cloud by British author Fred Hoyle where an unknown entity is found in space.