Jen Kutler is a multidisciplinary artist and performer. She modifies found objects that are cultural signifiers of power, gender, queerness and intimacy to create atypical instruments, sculptures and multimedia environments. Her works explore common and discrepant experiences of familiar social tones using sounds and objects that are considered sexual, gendered, queer or othered to build interactive electronic media systems for performance and transmission. Through modifying, re-contextualizing, rebuilding, transforming – “queering” – these materials, I look to explore the degrees of separation between the inner and outer world, hyper-sexualization and de-sexualization, and the intuitive vs. concrete.
Cathode Ray Gunpoint
Cathode Ray Gun Point is an audio-visual performance piece in which stories are related while wearing a lie detection circuit which controls the audio-visual environment. Explorations of convergences and discrepancies of truths, alternative truths, and lies are explored through texts on topics of memory, conspiracy and ‘legitimate political discourse.’ The video captures the image of the narrator as they speak, projected by an RGB projector wobbulator designed and built by Kutler based on the raster-manipulation-unit by Nam Jun Paik. Lies, truths and ‘in-betweens’ sensed by the lie detector manipulate the images creating an audio-visual system that is playable by honesty and lies. Video recorded at Alfred IEA while in residence in September 2022.